Kathy Kelley


FineArts 326

FineArts 304
Computer Lab

Graphic Design Software 3395
Cr. 3. (0-6). Section 03915

MW 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Fine Arts Building, Room 304 Computer Lab

Prerequisites: 12 semester hours in foundation program studio courses (1000 level). Learn the basics in graphic design software including Adobe Illustrator 10, Adobe Photoshop 7, and Adobe Indesign 2. Macintosh Platform.

Graphic Design Software student
Lab Hours Fri - Sun 10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Lab Rules | Lab Monitors


  1. Always clean up files from Desktop.
    Organize files in Student Folder then burn to CD.
    After confirming, testing, that CD works,
    delete files from Student Folder.
  2. Student data folder will be wiped clean every Thursday. Do not leave files on computers.
  3. Do not rely solo on Zip disks; they are
    notoriously unstable. Burn to CD to be safe.

Imagery in top banner is from the students in junior and senior graphic communication block 2003-2003, in addition to work from the graduate students.

University of Houston
UH Department of Art
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