Chapelwood Relationship Ministries
Children | Youth | College | Adults
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Children's Ministry

Infants, Toddlers & Preschoolers
Ages 3 Months to 4 Years

Child Care Helper once-a-month commitment to be available to assist with nursery child care.

Children's Worship Leader (ages 3-4) lead a worship experience for preschool children during the 11:10 a.m. worship hour. Activities include music, Bible storytelling, and recreation.

Children's Worship Co-Leader (ages 3-4) assist as needed with a worship experience for preschool children during the 11:10 a.m. worship hour. Activities include music, Bible storytelling, and recreation.

Counseling Teacher (ages 2-4) One-year commitment to equip, nurture and schedule Sunday school teachers.

Cradle Roll Welcome Committee contact families into which a new baby has been born. Time commitment of one year.

Nursery Greeter welcome parents and infants to the nursery on Sunday mornings. Help them find their room and get checked in. One Sunday per month.

Nursery Visitor Welcome Committee assemble gift packs once a quarter for first-time nursery visitors.

Teach Sunday School (ages 2-4 ) individuals with a desire to teach preschoolers God's Word in a positive and loving manner are needed. Training is provided. Team teaching allows flexibility in scheduling. A one-year commitment.

Substitute Teachers (ages 2-4 ) fill in on Sunday mornings as needed. Training is provided. One-year commitment.

Secretary/Permanent Substitute (ages 2-4 ) assist the teachers by taking roll and helping with the preschoolers at 9:45 on Sunday mornings. One-year commitment.

Summer Teacher Assistant additional teachers enlisted in the spring to conduct summer Sunday school for preschool children, June through August. Flexible schedules are arranged.


Vacation Bible School Teacher (ages 2-4) June 10-14, opportunities for music, art, teaching and storytelling. Training is provided.

Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

Counseling Sunday School Teacher (K-2nd grade) one -year commitment to equip, nurture and schedule grade level teachers.

Teach Sunday School (K-2nd grade) at 9:45. Individuals with a desire to teach K-2 grade children God's Word in a positive and loving manner are needed. Training is provided. Team teaching allows flexibility in scheduling. A one year commitment.

Substitute Teachers (K-2nd grade) at 9:45. Be available to substitute on an on-call basis for K-2 grade children. Training is provided. One year commitment.

Secretary/Permanent Substitute (K-2nd grade) assist the teachers by taking roll and helping with the infants and toddlers at 9:45 on Sunday mornings. One year commitment.

Summer Teacher/Assistant (K-2nd Sunday school) teams are arranged in the spring to assist summer Sunday school classes, June through August.

Children's Worship Leader (K-2nd grade) lead a worship experiences for children during the 11:10 a.m. worship hour. Activities include music, Bible storytelling and recreation.

Assistant Children's Worship Leader (K-2nd grade) fill in as needed with worship experience for children during the 11:10 a.m. worship hour. Activities include music, Bible storytelling, and recreation.

Vacation Bible School Teacher
(K-2nd grade) opportunities for music, art, teaching and storytelling. Training is provided.

3rd, 4th & 5th Grades

Workshop Rotation Teacher develop and teach 3rd graders in Bibleland or 4th and 5th graders in The Way. TeachBible stories using teaching approaches which utilize your heart and gifts. These approaches include art, science, cooking, drama, computers, etc. The same lesson is taught over a 4-6 week period to different groups of children. Training is provided. Teachers may make an annual or month-to-month commitment.

Workshop Rotation Administrator resource and schedule shepherds, register visitors and assist teachers as needed.

Children's Worship Leader (3rd-5th grade) lead a worship experience for children during the 11:10 a.m. worship hour. Activities include music, Bible storytelling, and recreation.

Children's Worship Co-Leader (3rd-5th grade) assist as needed with a worship experience for children during the 11:10 a.m. worship hour. Activities include music, Bible storytelling, and recreation.

Shepherd (3rd-5th grade) help welcome, greet and care for a group of 3rd graders or 4th and 5th graders, Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m. A10-month time commitment, September - June.

Summer Teacher/Assistant teams are arranged in the spring to assist in summer Sunday school, June through August.

Vacation Bible School Teacher (3rd-5th grade) opportunities for music, art, teaching and storytelling. Training is provided.

Sunday School Administration

Administrative Support for nursery. Volunteers are needed to help track nursery usage on a monthly basis. Excel computer skills are helpful. One-year commitment.

Enrollment Secretary distribute, process, and enter data for children's Sunday school registration forms. One-year commitment, half day per week.

Resource Room Assistant volunteers are needed to work during the Sunday school hour, to organize and allocate supplies for coordinators and Sunday school teachers. Maintain inventory of resources and supplies. One-year commitment.

Sunday School Attendance distribute, collect rolls, tally attendance and count collection on Sunday mornings. One-year commitment.

Sunshine Coordinator for children's Sunday school. Ssend monthly birthday, missed you, and get well cards to Sunday school children and their families. One-year commitment.

Vacation Bible School Staff Coordinator serve as a VBS coordinator in one of the following areas: registration, audio/visual, supplies, art, music, teen aides supervision, worship, recreation, publicity, refreshments, mission, T-shirts, photography, videographer, counseling teachers, signage, etc.

Volunteer Application Processing schedule risk reduction training. Enter data, follow-up on applications and reference checks for volunteers. One-year commitment, half day per week.

Music Ministry for Children

Sunday School Music Team (N2-4) be part of a team that helps lead music for Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. Approximately 10 minutes each Sunday with different age groups.

Sunday School Music Team (K-2nd grade) be part of a team that helps lead music for Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. Approximately 15 minutes two Sundays per month with different age groups.

Children's Choir Director (K-6th) direct one of the Children's Choirs, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Girl's (4th-6th) or Boy's (4th-6th). Rehearsal on Sunday afternoons from 5:00-6:00 p.m., September - April.

Children's Choir Accompanist play the piano for one of the children's choirs, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Girl's (4th-6th) or Boy's (4th-6th). Rehearsal on Sunday afternoon from 5:00-6:00 p.m., September - April. Substitutes are welcome.

Children's Choir Parent be a shepherd for one of the children's choirs. Welcome, greet, mark attendance, and follow-up with children who are absent. Rehearsal on Sunday afternoons from 5:00-6:00 p.m., September - April.

Children's Choir Grace Notes Banquet Design Team help plan, organize, publicize and host the annual awards banquet for the children's choir. Held in April.

Children's Choir Publicity be part of a ministry team to write articles for the Chimes, posters for special events throughout the choir year, August - April.

Children's Choir Set Design Team be part of a ministry team to help create sets for musicals and special events throughout the choir year, August - April.

Handbell Director direct one of the children's handbell choirs; grades 3,4 and 5. Rehearsal on Sunday afternoons, September through April.

Handbell Choir Parent be a shepherd for one of the handbell choirs. Welcome, greet, mark attendance and follow-up with children who are absent. Rehearsal on Sunday afternoons, September - April.

Weekday Opportunities

Wednesday Night Studies help develop and lead a small group for children, grades K-5th, while parents are attending a Wednesday night study. Wednesday evenings, September - May, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.

Just Me & the Kids Coordinator help develop, organize, staff, and train small group leaders addressing the needs and grieving process of children of divorce. A 12-week workshop will be held Tuesdays, September - November.

Just Me & the Kids Leader lead a small group of children ages K - 5th grade who are experiencing grief as children of divorce. A 12-week workshop will be held Tuesdays, September - November.

Faith Alive Children's Coordinator plan and coordinate leadership for the annual Faith Alive Weekend in January. Friday evening and Saturday studies and activities for children.

Ministry to Families with Children

Chapelwood Trims Its Tree Design Team participate in the planning and implementation of this annual Chapelwood tradition. During Advent, the Sanctuary Christmas tree is decorated with chrismons designed by the children in their Sunday school time.

Easter Egg Hunt help organize a fun, fellowship event for parents and children. Volunteers needed to plan, do publicity, set-up, refreshments, etc. Scheduled for Saturday, March 23.

Family Retreat Design Team each year a retreat weekend is held for families with children. Assistance is needed with logistics, speakers, music and food. The retreat is scheduled for Memorial Day weekend, May 24-27, at Lakeview Conference Center in Palestine, Texas.

Gift Making Workshop Design Team plan this November 17 event for children to make gifts for special persons in their lives.

Parenting/Family Life Council be part of decision- making group to determine budget, set schedule, select parent and relationship education and fellowship events for Family Ministry.

Patriotic Picnic Design Team help plan and host the Patriotic Picnic that is held each year on the Sunday before the 4th of July. Duties include food, games and rides for the children, bingo for children and adults, program planning, etc.

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Director of
Children's Ministry

Nina Hanks
713 354-4445

Nursery & Preschool
Gayle Schlief

Nursery Coordinator
Jessie Escamilla

Lower Elementary
Sally Cressman

Upper Elementary
Linda Withers

Special Events
Kim Jochetz

Administrative Assistant
Karen Ridgway

Chapelwood School For Young Children
Donna Bloh
713 354-4420

Mary Walker
713 354-4423

Administrative Support
Sherry Spencer
713 354-4421